BFA Thesis Exhibit

Evelyn Varlan


Artist Statement

A swatch of fabric or a splurge of color is all it takes to arouse an artificial moment. These spectacles are caught as candid snapshots from ludicrous worlds born from my relationship with the dark farce. Stemming from a personal journey of transforming my most absurd thoughts and offhand jokes into works of art, I ensure that I am always having fun, or finding humor in the work I am creating.

Dank and vibrant hue add a play of absurdity to each scene that I picture, while it’s details add a somber hilarity to each display. I gain inspiration from camp horror movies like, Scream and Chucky, that utilize satire to break the tension from the intensity of the scare. The concept of taking serious subjects, like murder, and confronting it in comedy is the impression I want my work to possess.

Along with flashy colors and exotic backdrops, the characters are the main attraction to depict all of my narratives. These figures are sculpted by hand out of clay and customized with synthetics for flash and pizzazz. I see them as I see them as actors, playing out scenes that I direct, or as props to further the plot of other figures. Having a control with my work grants my inspiration with each character in the making process. Every aspect of these worlds has been designed - handpicked to create a comprehension original to myself.

An abstract ceramic vessel covered in pink slime.  Click to view An abstract ceramic vessel covered in pink slime.  Full-Screen

Untitled - From the Series, “Dark Farce” Photograph // 6.6" x 10" // Ceramics, Acrylic, Textile, Fart Putty // 2020