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2024 Young Pianist Competition

Application Form

Please complete this form in its entirety and submit electronically with payment (credit or debit). The application may also be printed and mailed with payment (check/money order) to the below address. Entries MUST be received by the deadline of May 1, 2024. For more information on the Young Pianist Competition, including eligibility, requirements and instructions, visit the Young Pianist Competition webpage.

MostArts Festival Young Pianist Competition
Dr. Lisa Lantz, Artistic Director
Miller Performing Arts Center
1 Saxon Drive
Alfred University
Alfred, New York 14802

Required fields are marked by an asterisk. (*)

Competitor's Information

Please enter the competitor's first name

This is needed information.

Please enter the competitor's last name

Please enter the address of the competitor

Please enter the city of the competitor

Please enter the state of the competitor

Ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

A valid Zip Code is required. ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

Ex. 123-123-1234

A valid Home Phone Number is required in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.

Ex. 123-123-1234

A valid Cell Phone Number is required in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.

A valid Competitor's Email Address is required


A valid Date in MM/DD/YYYY format is required

Please enter the full name of either parent

Please enter the full name of the other parent

Please enter the e-mail of either parent

Ex. 123-123-1234

A valid Cell Phone Number of Either Parent is required in XXX-XXX-XXXX format

Please enter a link to your video on youtube.

School's Information

Please enter the name of the school the competitor attends

Please enter the address of the school the competitor attends

Please enter the city of the school the competitor attends

Please enter the state of the school the competitor attends

Ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

A valid Zip Code of the School of the Competitor is required. ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

Please enter the current grade of the school the competitor attends

Private Teacher's Information

Please enter your teacher's full name

Please enter your teacher's e-mail

Please enter your teacher's address

Please enter your teacher's city

Please enter your teacher's state

Ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

A valid teacher's zip code is required. ex. 14802 or 14802-XXXX

Ex. 123-123-1234

A valid teacher's Phone Number is required in XXX-XXX-XXXX format

Please enter the number of years you have studied under your instructor

Let us know how your found out about the competition

Competition Repertoire

  1. The Second and Third Movements of any Mozart Piano Concerto with cadenza [where indicated].
  2. Solo Repertoire: Must include one etude of virtuosity by Chopin, Liszt, Scriabin or Rachmaninoff, and at least two contrasting works from two different periods of the contestant's choice. Solo piano repertoire must be at least 20 minutes and not to exceed 25 minutes. Compositions for "prepared piano" are not permitted.

Note: All repertoire for this preliminary round will remain the same for the final round.

Please enter the Mozart concert number

Please enter the key that this piece will be played in

Please enter the Concerto K

Solo Work

List each work separately.

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Please enter the composer of this piece

Please enter the title of this piece

Please enter the Opus number of this piece

Please enter the key you will be playing in

Please enter the movement number of your piece

Please add anything that you would like us to know about this piece

Application Regulations and Instructions

  1. Applicants interested in being considered must submit a YouTube video along with the completed application form and a non-refundable application fee of fifty US dollars (US $50.00). You may also print out the application form and mail with check or money order made out to "MostArts Festival Young Pianist Competition."
  2. The video must be of high quality. No editing is allowed. The video recording must be made with one fixed camera, mounted on a tripod, focusing on the right profile and hands of the pianist.
  3. Applicants must submit their respective Mozart Concerto recording with piano accompaniment or with an orchestra accompaniment.
  4. Recordings must be labeled with applicants name and repertoire along with respective timings of each composition. Recordings for Round One must include both the repertoire for the solo recital as well as the Mozart Concerto.
  5. All applications must be received by the application deadline of May 1, 2024.
  6. Changes to repertoire will not be permitted between Round One and the Final Round.
  7. All applicants will be notified in early May.
  8. Finalists will be sent further instructions.

Application Checklist

____ a. Completed Application Form

____ b. Application Fee of US $50.00 paid online or via mail: MostArts Festival Young Pianist Competition, Dr. Lisa Lantz, Artistic Director, Miller Performing Arts Center, 1 Saxon Drive, Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802

____ c. Audition repertoire information and YouTube link to recording provided above

____ d. Title and Timing of each work included on the recording

*Application payment accepted in the following screens or at a later time