poster with event text and green reuse recycle symbol
May 08, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
BarrelHouse6 Distillery, Hammondsport, NY

Bottle Reuse Banquet

The NY State DEC, Alfred University and Vitricity are helping to bring a possible method of bottle washing to the FLX region. Taking place on Wednesday, May 8 from 10:30am-4pm at the BarrelHouse6 Distillery in Hammondsport, NY, the Bottle Reuse Banquet is for all interested parties; vineyard owners, winemakers, & businesses.
Participants will learn how the NY State DEC, Alfred University and Vitricity are helping bring a possible method of bottle washing to the FLX Region.

The latest information and demographics on bottle washing, the economic feasibility of a bottle reuse program for FLX businesses will be presented. Join the conversation and make your voice heard.

Coffee, pastries, lunch buffet, and desserts will be provided.

RSVP or email [email protected]