picture of artist
Aug 19 - Aug 23, All Day
Lecture or Speaker

IEA Resident Artist Duy Hoang

The Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA) announces an exciting line up of resident artists in the Fall semester 2024. Migrating from Vietnam to the U.S. at an early age, the overwhelming cultural and physical transitions demanded Duy's intensive observation to comprehend the foreign habitat.

The artist states

"Consequently, my practice evolved into a site-responsive process, focusing on our relationships to the surrounding minutia, in connection to the grander environment, while questioning our position within that spectrum. My work becomes an apparatus to dissect and translate the site, and often accumulate the surrounding information into a ‘nesting’ habitat, where I observe, investigate, and draw connections. This obsessive impulse questions the dynamics of ‘home/displacement’, ‘decay/growth’, ‘temporary/permanence’, in pursuit of a deeper understanding of our symbiotic relationships to the complex systems around us."


The IEA is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature, the Schein-Joseph Endowment and the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Foundation. 
The IEA is a high technology research studio facility within the School of Art and Design, which encourages and supports projects that involve interactive multi-media systems, experimental sonic/video production, digital imaging, and publications. The IEA is committed to developing cultural interactions spurred by technological experimentation and artistic investigations. 
The IEA offers two types of residency: Time-based/ New Media and Print Media. The IEA video and sound studio offers artists an integrated system with real-time video, image-processing software, hardware and video capture. The IEA’s Experimental Print Media Program Residency seeks artists who want to explore Digital Printmedia technologies to further and expand their working practice. Artists  have access to state-of-the-art digital arts facilities.